The economic argument is compelling.
The politics line up.
The season of I-11 is at hand.
While the details of President Biden’s infrastructure vision are still being worked out, funding seems certain to supercharge construction from the Mexican border, north around Phoenix to Las Vegas then on to connect with I-80 near Reno.
Congress approved the broad outline of the roue in 2015, subject to fine tuning after exhaustive environmental review and public comment periods.
Nevada, using an infusion of new fuel tax monies, posted the first I-11 markers on a stretch of newly realigned freeway from the Arizona line, north across the Hoover Dam, around Boulder City and on to Henderson where it connects to the existing I-215 around Las Vegas.
Arizona was far from idle, widening 161 miles of highway along the proposed route, according to ADOT calculations. The major difference is the Arizona work has yet to meet the standards required to post the official interstate designation. Lots of new interchanges and bridge work remains once the final routing details are approved.
Major battles remain about the route west of Tucson, around Buckeye and north out of Las Vegas.
One restricting factor has been a lack of federal funding. But with the impending passage of Biden’s infrastructure bills, money will flow.
Having two Democratic senators from each state helps the equation. So do having well placed members of Congress, like Dina Titus (D-Las Vegas), who sits on the House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee.
Passage of the bill will set in motion an intense phase of jockeying for position that will touch a wide swath of commerce.
Logistics firms will rethink their plans to take advantage of the improved connectivity to I-8, I-10, I-40, I-15 and I-80. Highway service providers – hotels, restaurants, fuel stops – will find new opportunities. Commuting routes and residential patters will change. There will be environmental fights and land use battles that will entangle lawyers and politicians, homeowners and business interests.
And, of course, there will be jobs. Lots of them. Crews will lay down roadway, run water and power lines, and construct new warehouses, services, homes and maybe even a new airport.
What we have here is a once in a century change in the maps of Arizona and Nevada, with all the economic opportunity and risk that implies.
The key to successfully navigating the road ahead is information. And that’s where I-11 News comes in.
From our official launch in the summer of 2021 until I-11 is literally set in stone, we’ll be here with the latest news, interviews and analysis. You’re invited along for the journey.
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